The group was eager to start this morning. True to form, most reported a lack of sleep the night before because we had gotten their minds racing from all the new ideas we presented yesterday. All were eager to learn more and get their hands dirty putting hat we taught to the test on their projects.
Usually I have a full staff and family as support staff... this workshop it was up to EJ and myself to present the entire program. Time flew by as question after question was asked and the answers given, often while I frantically looked up images of past projects to illustrate my ideas visually. At workshops in my studio I generally have plenty of samples handy to show.
Each of the students followed directions to a 'T' - brushes were kept clean and paint put away as it was used. It sure made my life easier and I concentrated on teaching and sharing all I could. It has been a wonderful experience for me and it seems there are lots of smiles everywhere I look.
Thanks so much to our sponsors, MultiCam, EnRoute, Precision Board and Abracadabra Sculpt for making the workshop possible. One more day to go in Toronto...