In the last four days I've grabbed more than twelve hundred photographs of everything Disney. What I've seen is nothing short of breath taking. Such wonderful attention to detail and story telling at every turn. As I've marvelled at all of the work and especially the signs it makes me wonder... why can't we sell and create this kind of work in the real world - in our regions. I believe the answer resides within us and I am resolved to design, create and sell much, much more. I know from experience we can do it and it has to start with our own studios.
As an example I show three wonderful signs with brackets that point the way to the washroom near Pinocchio's attraction.
Through extensive research I quickly found out that with the relative simplicity of EnRoute, CNC routers were capable of just about anything imaginable. This journal will chronicle that journey to date and continue each week with two or three entries as we continue to explore just what is possible with this wonderful software... -dan