I have difficulty describing what we do but showing a sample of our wonderful 3D creations work like a charm.
The work we have on display not only shows what we can do but also is the kind of work we WANT to do in the future. From time to time we go through our displays, culling signs and 3D objects that no longer fit our vision. Some see it as brutal that we take down a piece and toss it in the dumpster but the importance of our display far outweigh any personal attachment we might harbour.
Recently our insurance company did a detailed audit of our workplace. They deemed it necessary that we provide further fireproofing in our welding area. A fireproof paint was the answer. It was the perfect excuse to clear everything from the shop, reorganize our work areas and then put the samples back up. It was time for a major cull once more.
The pepto bismol pink of the special paint was a little hard to take as it went on.
Thankfully the fire paint was an intermedial paint meaning we could top coat it with something a little more neutral.
The many 3D samples were thoroughly cleaned, and sorted, tossing samples of things that no longer were up to current standards. They are stacked in my library waiting for the painting to be done.
As we reinstall all of the samples once more you can bet we'll save a little room for some new ones. Even though we are currently booked into 2016 I still strongly believe in continuing to invest in he future.