Late last summer I posted pictures and file creation blogs of the outside trim of the new house. As the summer weather waned we tucked all the pieces away and concentrated our efforts on finishing the inside of the house. That work took until recently to substantially finish to the point we could move in at last a few weeks ago. Then came the big job of emptying the old house and stripping it of usable items. Today it came down at last. In the next couple of days we'll haul in the last of the needed fill and then we can finish off the outside work at last. For the very first time we could at last look at the back of the new house, as the old one was so close we couldn't do the necessary work.
After the house came down this is what we saw...
While the big machines worked out back we started work on the front putting up the trim. With the vertical pieces now in place I will measure up the needed horizontal pieces and begin the work of routing those.
It is all coming together at long last! Stay tuned...